What goes into a Funeral Booklet

A funeral booklet is not merely about hymns and poems – often these documents act as a tribute to the departed and an opportunity to celebrate your loved one. For many, the booklet serves as a memento for those who attended the funeral and those who were unable to make it, meaning that this is much more than just a list of the proceedings. For those who’ve never planned a funeral before, Fry Bros is here to help. Read on and better understand what can go into your funeral booklet.
The front page
It is best to keep things simple on the front cover. Usually this would have your loved one’s personal details including the deceased’s full name, date of birth, date of passing, details of the funeral service and a photograph. Depending on your choice, the photo could be a past or a recent one and it can be in colour or in black and white. You could also choose to add a quote or saying to commemorate your loved one.
Do note that the tone of the wording should not always be sad. The order of service is meant to be a celebration of the departed person’s life.
Inside pages
This mainly includes details pertaining to the funeral service. The inside content can include anywhere between two pages to ten or more. There is no hard and fast rule as to what should be added here, but most will provide a guide to the order of proceedings. Each funeral is different, but many modern funerals contain some or all of the following elements:
- Entrance hymn
- Introduction by celebrant
- Reading
- Hymn/prayer
- Eulogy
- Commendation
- Committal
- Dismissal and blessing
Additionally, you could add in photographs of the departed. The idea here is to celebrate your loved one’s life and share their memories.
Back cover
This would usually have a photograph of your loved one. If you have added a past picture at the front, you could opt to have a recent picture at the back. The back cover can also state where any donations collected will be directed towards.
The back cover will customarily include a word of thanks from the family and close friends of the deceased. If you plan to host those in attendance to a post-funeral reception, these would also be included at the back.
Designing and printing
Though it seems like a minor detail, it’s still one that needs attention. It is important to look into the template of the design that goes into the order of service. Not only will this set the tone of the service, but it will also reflect the personality of the departed. You can go from a traditional design to a more modern one that includes illustrated motifs.
Similarly, do keep note of the printing service that will be handling the work to get the document printed. The funeral booklet is meant to serve as a keepsake of your loved one. As such, the quality of the work is also important.
Here for you
Fry Bros is a family-run funeral service in Maitland, here to help you personalise and add a meaningful funeral service for your loved one. We’re always here to talk to you about your requirements. Feel free to give us a call on 02 4933 6155 or contact us here.